Dua e Qunoot in Hindi 

Dua e Qunoot in Hindi 

In the serene moments of dawn and dusk, many devout individuals around the world turn to prayer for solace, guidance, and connection to the divine. One such profound supplication is the Dua e Qunoot. This prayer holds a special place in the hearts of many, and when understood in one’s native language, its beauty and significance amplify. For Hindi-speaking believers, understanding Dua e Qunoot in Hindi can deepen their spiritual experience and connection. In this blog post, we will explore the importance, meaning, and practice of Dua e Qunoot in Hindi, providing insights and practical tips to enrich your spiritual life.

Dua e Qunoot in Hindi 

Dua e Qunoot in Hindi 
Dua e Qunoot in Hindi 

अल्लाह हुम्मा इन्ना नास्ता-ईनोका वा नास्ताघफिरुका वा नु’मिनु बिका वा नटवक्कालु अलाइका वा नुस्नी अलैकाल खैर, वा नश्कुरुका वाला नकफुरुका वा नखला-ऊ वा नटरुकु माई याफजुरूका, अल्लाह हुम्मा इय्याका ना’बुदु वा लाका नुसल्ली वा नासजुद; वा इलाइका नस आ वा नहफिजु वा नरजु रहमा ताका वा नख्शा अजाबाका; इन्ना अज़ाबका बिल कुफ़री मुलहिक।

ऐ अल्लाह! हम तुझसे मदद की दुआ करते हैं और तुझसे क्षमा की प्रार्थना करते हैं और तुझ पर ईमान लाते हैं और तुझ पर भरोसा करते हैं और तेरी प्रशंसा करते हैं और हम तेरे आभारी हैं और तेरे प्रति नाशुक्रे नहीं हैं और हम तेरी अवज्ञा करने वालों से विमुख हो जाते हैं और उनका परित्याग कर देते हैं। ऐ अल्लाह! हम तेरी ही इबादत करते हैं और तेरे लिए दुआ करते हैं और सजदा करते हैं और तुझे प्रसन्न करने का प्रयत्न करते हैं और तेरे मार्ग में सेवा के लिए उपस्थित होते हैं और तेरी दया की आशा रखते हैं और तेरे दंड से डरते हैं। निस्संदेह, तेरा अज़ाब काफ़िरों को आने वाला है ऐ अल्लाह!

What is Dua e Qunoot?

Dua e Qunoot is a special supplication recited during the Witr prayer, which is a part of the nightly Isha prayers in Islam. The term “Qunoot” itself means humility, obedience, and devotion. By reciting this dua, believers express their submission to Allah, seek His guidance, and ask for His mercy and blessings.

Historical Significance of Dua e Qunoot

The practice of reciting Dua e Qunoot dates back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is narrated in various hadiths that the Prophet would often recite this supplication during times of hardship and during the Witr prayer. This historical context adds layers of meaning and reverence to the prayer, making it an integral part of Islamic worship.

The Structure of Dua e Qunoot

The Dua e Qunoot is composed of several verses that praise Allah, seek His blessings, and ask for protection against all forms of harm. Each verse is carefully crafted to reflect deep humility and devotion, making the prayer a powerful expression of faith and reliance on Allah.


Understanding and reciting Dua e Qunoot in Hindi can significantly enhance your spiritual life. This beautiful supplication fosters a deeper connection to Allah, brings mental peace, and strengthens faith. By incorporating it into your daily prayers, you can experience the profound benefits it offers. Remember, consistency and understanding are key.

Take the time to learn the pronunciation, understand the meaning, and practice regularly. If you’re looking to explore more about Dua e Qunoot or need further guidance, consider joining a local Islamic center or utilizing online resources. Embark on this spiritual journey and discover the beauty and significance of Dua e Qunoot in your life.

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